Make-up Assignments


I am listing make-up assignments for my classes here. More will become available, so check back soon. The first assignment is a contest.  Future assignments will not be contests.

If you’re doing make-up work, you need to understand that you still need to do all of your other work for the class.  Also, doing make-up work doesn’t guarantee that you will pass.  Look here for Weight Training, and here for the Walking Class for more info on grading. The only reason I’m offering make-up assignments is to give a little bit of help to students who tried, but failed.

#1 Be the First to Finish The Dead Miles Game


  • Download The Dead Miles.
  • When you win, quickly send Mr. Donovan your final rank in an email.
  • Be prepared to discuss your winning strategy with Mr. Donovan during class.

Who is eligible? Only students who failed the last marking period are eligible.
Credit Value: The first person from each class to finish the game will earn 10 points of extra credit.
Deadline: June 4th. You must also be the first in your class to complete it.

  • Period 2 has no winner yet.
  • Period 3 has no winner yet.
  • Period 5 has no winner yet.
  • Period 6 has no winner yet.
  • Period 9 has no winner yet.

 #2 Push-Up Challenge
Description: Do perfect, 3 second, right angle push-ups.

Credit Value for Boys:

  •  10 pts. = 27 push-ups
  •  5 pts. = 20 push-ups

Credit Value for Girls:

  • 10 pts. = 11 push-ups

  • 5 pts. = 8 push-ups 

Deadline: June 4th. You will have two opportunities to do this during class.  If you’re absent, you will not get another chance, so come to class every day.

 #3 Curl-Up Challenge
Description: Do perfect, 3 second, curl-ups.

Credit Value for Boys:

  • 10 pts = 36 curl-ups
  • 5 pts. = 27 curl-ups

Credit Value for Girls:

  • 10 pts. = 26 curl-ups
  • 5 pts. = 20 curl-ups 

Deadline: June 4th. You will have two opportunities to do this during class.  If you’re absent, you will not get another chance, so come to class every day.

 #4 Sit and Reach Challenge
Description: Do the sit and reach assessment correctly.

Credit Value for Boys:

  •  10 pts. = 9 
  •  5 pts. = 6 

Credit Value for Girls:

  • 10 pts. = 12 
  • 5 pts. = 9 

Deadline: June 4th. You will have two opportunities to do this during class.  If you’re absent, you will not get another chance, so come to class every day.

 #5 Wall Sit Challenge
Description: Do the”wall sit” exercise, with thighs parallel to the floor and knees held at right angles.

Credit Value for Boys:

  •  10 pts. = 4 minutes
  •  5 pts. = 3 minutes

Credit Value for Girls:

  • 10 pts. = 3 minutes
  • 5 pts. = 2 minutes

Deadline: June 4th. You will have two opportunities to do this during class.  If you’re absent, you will not get another chance, so come to class every day.

 #6 Fat Loss Challenge
Description: YOU MUST SIGN UP WITH MR. DONOVAN TWO WEEKS AHEAD OF TIME AND HAVE PARENTAL PERMISSION TO DO THIS. Click here for the parental consent form.  Lose 2 pounds in two weeks.  Keep a daily calorie and exercise journal.

Credit Value for Boys & Girls:

  •  10 pts. = -2 pounds, with completed journals.
  •  5 pts. = -1 pound, with completed journals.

Deadline: You have two weeks after I receive written permission from your parents. You may not start this assignment after May 25th.

 #7 Essay
Description:Write an essay explaining why you are failing this class. The essay should include:

  • My grading policy.
  • Your opinion on the importance of Physical Education.
  • A list of reasons why you are failing.
  • What you can do to pass the class in the future.
  • A statement about whether or not you intend to do some sort of exercise in the future and why.
  • Be prepared to discuss this with Mr. Donovan in class.

Credit Value for Boys & Girls:

  •  10 pts. = The essay includes all of the requested information.
  •  5 pts. = The essay includes 1/2 of the requested information.

Deadline: June 5th. E-mail the assignment to me at Late assignments will not be accepted.

 #8 The Study Challenge
Description: Copy all of the notes for the Weight Training class by hand in your notebook.

Credit Value for Boys & Girls:

  •  10 pts. = Accurately copied the notes into your notebook, by hand.

Deadline: June 5th. This must be handed to Mr. Donovan during your PE class.  Late assignments will not be accepted.

#9 Do you feel that the body fat % measurement in The Dead Miles video game is accurate?
Play The Dead Miles video game.  Download it here.  Answer the following questions:

  • What is body fat % (or body composition)?
  • Which activities in the game use energy?
  • Which activity in the game uses the most energy?  Provide examples and numbers.
  • Under which circumstance in the game will your character’s body fat % increase?
  • In the game, how does gaining or losing body fat effect other scores for your character?
  • Do you feel that the body fat % measurement in The Dead Miles game is accurate?  Support your answer.

Credit Value for Boys & Girls:

  •  10 pts. = You answered all questions correctly.
  •  5 pts. = You answered at least 3 of the questions correctly.

Deadline: June 5th. E-mail the assignment to me at Late assignments will not be accepted.

 #10 Perfect attendance and participation.
Description: Pick a partner who also needs extra credit.  Both of you promise to be in class and to do all of your work every day until the end of the term.  Help each other to reach your goals.

Credit Value for Boys & Girls:

  • 5 pts. = You were both in class and participating every day.

Deadline: You must pick a partner by May 19th.  You most both be present and participating until the last day of class.